Is your proposal the only one possible, or can it be amended?
November 27, 2018 12:20 pmWe emphasise that the whole of our proposal can be amended and modified and only constitutes a basis for discussion. In particular, numerous parameters can be modified to adjust the project to our aims. Thus the percentage of national elected members (80% in the present project) can be lowered. The ceiling for fiscal transfers – 0.1% of GDP – is also adjustable depending on whether the desire is to direct the budget towards an aim of convergence of the economies or whether to reduce inequalities within the different countries and finance joint future projects. Let’s take another example; we have proposed that the treaty be adopted by the States representing a minimum of 70% of the population. We consider that this figure represents a desirable threshold for the control of the economic governance of Europe to be legitimate. However, it is conceivable that the treaty be adopted by countries representing a smaller proportion of the population focussing exclusively on the budgetary aspects: a joint France-Belgium, or France-Germany or France-Belgium-Germany Common Assembly levying a common corporate tax on firms or large fortunes would already be a considerable advance!
Our aim is not to bring the discussion to a close but to open it on precise bases. Everybody has the right to disagree with our proposals, but on condition that the alternatives envisaged are clearly stated. The European debate is being stifled by statements which assert that “nothing is possible”; let’s hope that the time has come for proposals.
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This post was written by admTDEM