Can this project be adopted quickly?
November 27, 2018 12:27 pmYes, in a few months.
En 2011-2012, new treaties were concluded in a few months to completely reform the budgetary rules in Europe. These include the new budgetary treaty (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) also referred to as the TSCG and the treaty creating the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The problem is that these treaties have only strengthened opacity and austerity in Europe. But their rapid adoption proves that it is perfectly possible technically to adopt the Treaty for Democratisation, provided the political will exists and that the citizens and political movements undertake to do so. It is not by repeating that nothing is possible that we shall succeed in transforming Europe.
This said, the experience of other Treaty changes does suggest that it can be difficult to adopt such reforms dispassionately and that it is frequently under the pressure of unexpected events and crises (like the rise in interest rates in Autumn 2011) that changes of this sort, previously considered impossible are suddenly agreed upon.
Whatever the case may be, whether proposals such as the TDEM be adopted calmly (the option which obviously we would prefer) or in the wake of future financial or political crises (a possibility difficult to dismiss in the present state of things) this does not prevent us from debating the content of the next changes in the Treaty – quite the contrary: we have to prepare for future crises with an action plan for the reconstruction of Europe on better bases. This will avoid having to cobble together a poor re-vamp of the treaties, once again at the last minute for lack of adequate discussion beforehand.
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This post was written by admTDEM